
Fees can vary from the guidelines posted below depending on location, number of hours requested, as well as a number of other factors. To receive a more accurate rate quote, please fill out an enquiry form with as much detail as possible.

To reserve the date and time for your wedding, a signed contract and a non-refundable deposit of $100 is required. The balance is due 10 days before your event.  It is preferable to submit two checks at the time of booking: the $100 deposit, and a post-dated check (dated 10 days before the event) for the balance.

Fees for events in the month of December and on holidays may be slightly higher.

Save when booking early! You may book next year's events at this year's rates if booked before the rate increase (generally in the fall).


Basic Rate: Harp 1 2 $400 - for first hour
Basic Rate: Piano
(ie, Piano is available at venue)
$275 - for first hour
Basic Rate: Organ 1
(Organ at venue; permission obtained)
$275 - for first hour
Additional (Consecutive) Hours:
  Contracted Hours
$150/hour, or
  $40 for ¼ hour
  $75 for ½ hour
  $115 for ¾ hour

Overtime Hours:
  Non-Contracted Hours
$200/hour, or $50 per ¼ hour
Travel & Cartage Fee (over 20 miles) $1/mile RT
* some places may incur an additional travel fee due to particularly windy or hilly roads, or a location with a lot of stairs, etc.
* events over 50 miles from Los Gatos have a 2-hour minimum
Consultation No charge − included.
* Please kindly give 24 hours notice if you need to cancel an appointment.
Practice with soloists or singers for booked event $80/hour (if held at my studio)
Rehearsals held outside my studio will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Wedding Rehearsal $200 for piano/organ, plus travel
$300 for harp, plus travel
Stairs * $5/step. If your venue has stairs with no handicap access and I am not adequately warned before the event, a charge of $5/step will be levied.
Special Musical Requests At Cost (Sheet Music + Sound Recording)
* If I need to purchase music to accommodate your requests, I will charge only for the cost of sheet music, which is typically $5-10 per piece if available in sheet music or online, more if part of a collection (~$15-20).
* In addition to providing sheet music, a copy of the sound recording is requested.
* There is no fee for time spent learning new music for your event.

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